In the early hours of Wednesday, a tragic stampede at the Maha Kumbh Mela festival in Prayagraj, India, resulted in the death of at least 15 people, with many more injured. A doctor at the festival site, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed the fatalities, stating, \"At least 15 people have died for now. Others are being treated.\"
The Maha Kumbh Mela, known as the world's largest religious gathering, draws millions of Hindu devotees who come to participate in sacred rituals and bathe in the holy waters. Wednesday marked a significant day on the festival's six-week calendar, with an especially large number of pilgrims present for ritual bathing.
Rescue teams and fellow pilgrims worked tirelessly to assist the injured, carrying victims away from the congested site. The ground was strewn with personal belongings, including clothing and shoes, left behind in the chaos. Police officers were seen transporting bodies on stretchers, covered with thick blankets.
Outside a makeshift hospital set up about one kilometer from the accident scene, dozens of anxious relatives awaited news of their loved ones. The atmosphere was one of shock and grief as the magnitude of the tragedy became evident.
Crowd crushes at large religious events are a recurrent issue in India, where massive gatherings often overwhelm available infrastructure and safety measures. The Maha Kumbh Mela has faced such incidents in the past, highlighting the challenges of managing vast numbers of people during peak festival periods.
Authorities have yet to provide an official statement on the cause of the stampede or measures being taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. As rescue and medical efforts continue, the focus remains on supporting the victims and their families during this difficult time.