In a tragic incident on Sunday, at least nine people lost their lives when a small plane crashed in Gramado, a popular tourist destination in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Authorities have confirmed that there are no survivors.
“There are nine deaths confirmed by the civil defense, and there are no survivors of the plane,” said Cleber dos Santos Lima, director of the Interior Police Department of the state civil police, during an interview with AFP.
The cause of the crash is still under investigation. Gramado, known for its picturesque landscapes and European-inspired architecture, attracts thousands of tourists each year. The aviation accident has cast a shadow over the city, with local officials coordinating with emergency services to manage the aftermath.
Further details about the aircraft, including its origin and destination, have not yet been released. Authorities are working diligently to identify the victims and notify their families.
This incident marks a significant tragedy for the region, raising concerns about aviation safety in small aircraft operations within Brazil. As investigations continue, more information is expected to be released by the civil aviation authorities.