Nestled amid the vast expanse of the Gobi Desert in Haixi Prefecture, northwest China’s Qinghai Province, lies a mesmerizing natural wonder that locals call the “Devil’s Eye.” Officially known as Aiken Spring, this enchanting sight swirls amidst the desert sands, captivating all who witness its otherworldly beauty.
The spring bubbles up water rich in sulfur, rendering the surrounding land barren yet uniquely picturesque. The high sulfur content creates a vivid palette of colors, transforming the landscape into an oil painting brought to life. Under the soft autumn sunshine, hues of reddish brown, golden yellow, and rust emerge, painting a breathtaking scene that draws visitors from near and far.
As autumn envelops the region, the “Devil’s Eye” becomes even more alluring. The contrast between the arid desert and the vibrant spring creates an unforgettable spectacle. Travelers and culture enthusiasts journey to Haixi to witness this natural phenomenon, experiencing firsthand the captivating blend of harsh desert environment and the spring’s colorful display.
Aiken Spring’s “Devil’s Eye” not only offers a stunning visual feast but also embodies the mystique and diversity of Qinghai’s natural landscapes. As the sands of the Gobi Desert continue to swirl, this hidden gem remains a testament to the enchanting beauty that can be found in the most unexpected places.