The Sonam Dargye Protection Station in Hoh Xil, located in northwest China’s Qinghai Province, has become a sanctuary for a group of adorable Tibetan antelope calves. Under the dedicated care of passionate guardians, these young antelopes are adapting to bottle feeding, a crucial step in their early development.
Tibetan antelopes, also known as chiru, are native to the high-altitude plains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Once endangered due to poaching and habitat loss, their population is now steadily recovering thanks to concerted conservation efforts. The protection station plays a pivotal role in this resurgence, providing a safe haven for the calves before they return to the wild.
“Watching them grow stronger each day is incredibly rewarding,” said one of the guardians at the station. The calves require round-the-clock attention, and the staff ensures they receive the care and nourishment needed to thrive. The bond between the caregivers and the calves is evident as the young antelopes eagerly respond to their nurturers.
As they mature, these calves will be gradually reintroduced to their natural habitat. The vast grasslands of Hoh Xil await them, where they will join the thriving wildlife and contribute to the ecological balance of the region. Their eventual return to the wild symbolizes hope and the success of conservation initiatives in protecting China’s unique biodiversity.