In the heart of Anhui Province lies Xidi Village, a picturesque settlement that has stood for over 950 years. Known as the “living museum of ancient folk houses,” Xidi Village is a testament to China’s rich history and the exquisite Huizhou architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties.
Covering nearly 13 hectares, the village boasts three ancestral halls, a majestic archway, and 224 ancient dwellings dating from the 14th to the 19th century. These well-preserved structures offer a glimpse into the past, showcasing intricate designs and traditional construction methods that have been passed down through generations.
Today, Xidi Village is embracing advanced technology to enhance the heritage tourism experience for visitors from around the world. By integrating digital innovations such as augmented reality (AR) and interactive guides, the village is bringing its history to life in new and engaging ways.
Visitors can now use AR applications to see reconstructions of historical scenes, witness traditional ceremonies, and explore hidden details of the architecture that might otherwise go unnoticed. These technologies not only enrich the visitor experience but also help preserve the village’s cultural heritage for future generations.
“We are combining tradition with technology to make our heritage accessible and engaging,” says a spokesperson for the Xidi Village tourism board. “Our goal is to educate visitors about our history while utilizing modern tools to enhance their understanding and appreciation.”
The integration of advanced technology in Xidi Village reflects a broader trend in heritage tourism across Asia, where historical sites are leveraging digital solutions to attract and educate a global audience. This approach ensures that while the physical structures remain rooted in the past, the methods of storytelling and engagement are firmly in the present.
As travelers seek deeper connections with the places they visit, Xidi Village stands as a shining example of how ancient traditions and modern innovations can come together to create a captivating and educational experience.