Bruce, an international student from Ghana, has embarked on an inspiring journey fueled by his passion for aerospace technology. From his early fascination with the cosmos to pursuing advanced research in China, Bruce’s story is a testament to determination and the pursuit of dreams.
Growing up in Ghana, Bruce was captivated by the Chinese classic Journey to the West, which aired frequently on national television. The character of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, resonated with him. “I love the character; I kind of relate to him because even though he has weaknesses, he still tries to give his best self,” Bruce shared.
This inspiration ignited his interest in aerospace. He chose to attend a specialized university in Ghana offering aerospace majors, where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree. Eager to delve deeper into the field, Bruce set his sights on China, a nation renowned for its advancements in space technology.
In 2022, Bruce completed his master’s degree at the Beijing Institute of Technology. Seeking to further his research on propellant combustion mechanisms, he moved to Xi’an to pursue a PhD at the School of Aerospace Science and Technology at Northwestern Polytechnical University. The university’s open experimental environment and diverse academic activities have broadened his horizons.
“We do experiments that are really advanced in the development of the space industry in China and the whole world,” Bruce explained. He values the hands-on experience and cutting-edge research opportunities available to him. “Once you put your mind into it, you can do it,” he said, reflecting on the can-do attitude that propels him forward.
Bruce’s journey underscores the increasing global connectivity in education and research. His experience not only enriches his own academic pursuits but also fosters cross-cultural exchange and collaboration in the field of aerospace science.
An international student's journey to China led by passion for space