Tiny Injectable Wireless Sensor Revolutionizes Brain Monitoring

Tiny Injectable Wireless Sensor Revolutionizes Brain Monitoring

A team of researchers from China and Singapore has developed an innovative injectable wireless sensor that promises to transform brain monitoring techniques. This miniature sensor, measuring just 2 millimeters, can be implanted into the intracranial space using a simple puncture needle, offering a less invasive alternative to conventional methods.

Traditional monitoring of intracranial pressure and other physiological indicators often requires surgical implantation of wired sensors, which can pose significant risks to patients. Existing wireless sensors, while reducing the need for wires, are relatively large and still necessitate minimally invasive surgery.

The collaborative effort by scientists from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) and Nanyang Technological University has led to the creation of a hydrogel cube sensor that overcomes these challenges. Once injected, the hydrogel sensor responds to changes in the physiological environment by deforming, causing shifts in the peak frequency of reflected ultrasound waves. These shifts can be non-invasively measured wirelessly through an external ultrasound probe, as detailed in their study published in the journal Nature.

This groundbreaking sensor is capable of independently measuring intracranial pressure, temperature, pH levels, and flow rate, with a detection depth of up to 10 centimeters. The hydrogel remains stable for three to four weeks before degrading over time, ensuring it does not cause long-term adverse effects. Animal studies on pigs demonstrated that the sensor’s performance is comparable to conventional non-resorbable wired clinical benchmarks.

“Our ultrasonic sensing technology is versatile and can be adapted for use beyond the brain,” said Zang Jianfeng, one of the corresponding authors from HUST. This innovation opens up possibilities for less invasive monitoring in various medical applications, potentially improving patient outcomes and reducing surgical risks.

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