Tokyo, Japan — Japan has commenced the fifth round of releasing treated water from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean, sparking renewed concerns both domestically and internationally. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the plant’s operator, began the discharge on Friday, despite persistent opposition from local fishermen, residents, and neighboring countries.
Approximately 7,800 tonnes of treated water, containing tritium — a radioactive isotope of hydrogen — will be released into the ocean by May 7. This marks the first round of discharges in Japan’s fiscal year 2024, following four previous rounds totaling about 31,200 tonnes in fiscal 2023.
International Response
The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Lin Jian, expressed firm opposition to Japan’s decision, describing it as “extremely irresponsible” and a global risk. “The discharge relates to the health of all humanity, the global marine environment, and international public interests,” Lin stated during a daily briefing. “Japan should address legitimate concerns both domestically and internationally and handle them responsibly and constructively.”
China has urged Japan to collaborate with neighboring countries to establish effective, long-term international monitoring to prevent irreversible consequences. “We urge Japan to prevent hidden dangers in the future by working together with affected nations,” Lin added.
Domestic Opposition
Within Japan, the discharge plan has faced significant backlash. In September 2023, around 150 fishermen and residents from Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government and TEPCO at the Fukushima District Court, demanding a halt to the ocean release. By the first public hearing on March 4, the number of plaintiffs had grown to over 360.
Masashi Goto, a member of the Citizens’ Commission on Nuclear Energy, criticized the decision. “Discharging large amounts of radioactive substances into the sea is detrimental to the environment,” Goto said. “It’s not surprising that neighboring countries are concerned. Ignoring these concerns lays hidden dangers for the future.”
TEPCO plans to discharge a total of 54,600 tonnes of treated water in seven rounds during fiscal 2024, which contains approximately 14 trillion becquerels of tritium. While the company asserts that the water has been treated to remove most radioactive elements, tritium remains difficult to eliminate.
Environmental and Economic Implications
The ongoing releases have heightened fears over environmental contamination and the impact on local industries. Fishing communities worry about the long-term effects on marine life and the reputation of their seafood products. “This approach cannot be called safe at all,” Goto emphasized, highlighting the potential risks associated with the discharge.
The situation continues to develop as international stakeholders call for greater transparency and cooperation. The global community watches closely, concerned about the potential ramifications for the marine ecosystem and public health.
Japan's nuclear-contaminated water discharge irresponsible: MOFA