China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the world’s largest and most sensitive single-dish radio telescope, has opened global applications for free observation projects for the 2024-2025 period, according to its official website.
Located in a naturally deep karst depression in southwest China’s Guizhou Province, FAST has been at the forefront of astronomical research since it began operations in January 2020. Offering over 5,000 hours of observation time annually, the telescope has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe.
Currently, FAST is engaged in a variety of scientific missions, including pulsar searches, pulsar timing surveys, neutral hydrogen surveys, and the study of fast radio bursts. With its unparalleled sensitivity, FAST has detected over 890 pulsars as of early this year, enhancing our knowledge of these dense, rotating neutron stars.
Since opening its observation time to international scientists on March 31, 2021, FAST has received applications from researchers in 15 countries, granting nearly 900 hours of observation access to foreign teams. This collaborative approach underscores China’s commitment to fostering global scientific cooperation.
Scientists and researchers worldwide are now invited to submit their proposals for observation projects scheduled between August 2024 and July 2025. The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2024, at 16:00 UT.
FAST’s international call for applications presents a unique opportunity for the global scientific community to utilize one of the most advanced radio telescopes in existence. By welcoming researchers from around the world, FAST continues to play a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of the cosmos.
FAST opens 2024 global applications for free observation projects