In a groundbreaking development, an international research team led by Chinese scientists has presented the first experimental evidence of graviton-like particles known as chiral graviton modes (CGMs). Published in the renowned scientific journal Nature on Thursday, this discovery could have profound implications for our understanding of the universe.
“These findings mark the first experimental substantiation of the concept of gravitons in a condensed matter system,” said Professor Du Lingjie, the leader of the team and a physicist at Nanjing University in east China's Jiangsu Province. Gravitons, long theorized but never observed, are hypothetical particles believed to mediate the force of gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics.
For decades, physicists have sought to reconcile quantum mechanics with Einstein's theory of general relativity. The graviton, if discovered, could serve as a crucial link between these fundamental theories, offering insights into how gravity operates at the quantum level. Studying graviton-like particles like CGMs brings scientists one step closer to this goal.
Professor Du explained that their research builds on theories predicting the existence of graviton modes within fractional quantum Hall states in condensed matter—states of matter that arise under extreme conditions of low temperatures and strong magnetic fields. These CGMs exhibit properties similar to those expected of gravitons.
“Our work provides experimental evidence supporting these theories, opening new avenues for exploring quantum gravity in laboratory settings,” Du stated. “By observing CGMs, we can investigate the behaviors and properties of gravitons indirectly, which was previously unattainable.”
The research team initiated their experimental program five years ago, dedicating extensive time to designing and constructing specialized equipment necessary for their studies. Operating under extremely low temperatures and powerful magnetic fields, this equipment allowed them to detect the subtle signals indicative of CGMs.
Looking forward, Du and his colleagues are optimistic about the potential of their experimental setup. “We expect further discoveries in quantum physics with this equipment,” he said. “Our findings not only advance the field of condensed matter physics but also contribute to the broader quest to unify the fundamental forces of nature.”
This milestone achievement underscores the growing significance of Chinese-led research in cutting-edge science. As the global scientific community continues to explore the mysteries of the quantum world, breakthroughs like this bring us closer to answering some of the most profound questions about the universe.