China's Queqiao-2 Relay Satellite Successfully Enters Lunar Orbit video poster

China’s Queqiao-2 Relay Satellite Successfully Enters Lunar Orbit

On Monday, after a 112-hour journey through space, China’s Queqiao-2 relay satellite successfully entered lunar orbit following a critical perilune braking maneuver at approximately 440 kilometers above the lunar surface. The satellite’s entry into orbit marks a significant milestone in the Chinese mainland’s ambitious lunar exploration program, as confirmed by the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

Launched on March 20 aboard a Long March-8 Y3 carrier rocket, the Queqiao-2 satellite is designed to act as a communication relay platform for upcoming lunar missions, including Chang’e-4, -6, -7, and -8. These missions constitute the fourth phase of China’s lunar exploration efforts, aiming to deepen our understanding of the moon’s geology and environment.

Perilune braking is a critical maneuver for any spacecraft attempting to orbit the moon. As the satellite approaches the lunar surface, it must perform a precise “braking” operation to reduce its relative speed below the moon’s escape velocity. This delicate procedure allows the satellite to be captured by the moon’s gravitational pull and enter a stable orbit. For Queqiao-2, this braking operation lasted about 19 minutes, culminating in a successful orbital insertion.

In addition to Queqiao-2, two experimental communication technology satellites, Tiandu-1 and Tiandu-2, also completed perilune braking and entered lunar orbit on the same day. These satellites, launched alongside Queqiao-2 on the Long March-8 Y3 rocket, are set to test and validate advanced communication technologies that will support future lunar exploration missions.

The successful deployment of Queqiao-2 and the experimental satellites underscores China’s growing capabilities in space exploration and its commitment to advancing lunar science. By establishing a robust communication network around the moon, China is paving the way for more ambitious missions, including potential crewed lunar landings and the construction of a lunar research station.

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