Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Aniko Levai, wife of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, visited the Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest on Thursday. The visit underscored the growing cultural ties between China and Hungary, encouraging students to contribute to the enduring friendship between the two nations.
During their visit, Peng and Levai observed Chinese language classes and engaged with students participating in traditional Chinese cultural activities such as paper cutting and calligraphy. They warmly interacted with the students, expressing delight at their proficiency in the Chinese language.
“I am pleased to see you all speak Chinese so well,” Peng remarked to the students. “I hope you will continue to work hard in learning Chinese and understanding Chinese culture, and perhaps visit or study in China in the future.”
The two guests watched a video highlighting the school’s 20-year development and enjoyed student performances that included dance, poetry recitations, and choral singing. Before departing, Peng presented the school with a collection of books on Chinese culture, further enriching the school’s resources.
Established in 2004, the Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school is a unique institution offering 12 years of fully bilingual education in Chinese and Hungarian. It stands as a symbol of the strong friendship and cultural exchange between China and Hungary, fostering mutual understanding among the younger generations.
Peng Liyuan, Aniko Levai visit Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school