U.S. Students Demand Justice Amid Campus Protests and Police Crackdowns

“What we want is justice! And we want it now!” The chant echoes across U.S. campuses as students rally against the intensifying armed conflict in Gaza and the soaring death toll. Their voices, however, are met with the collective silence of U.S. authorities and violent police crackdowns, leaving protesters dismayed and determined.

As civil and political rights become an empty promise, police violence is raging across the United States. The harsh response to peaceful demonstrations has prompted people around the world to question the true colors of the so-called American democracy.

According to The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2023, the human rights situation in the country has continued to deteriorate this year. A staggering 76% of Americans believe that their nation is going in the wrong direction.

With the majority of basic rights and freedoms of ordinary people being disregarded, many are turning to American academics for insight. Scholars and experts are increasingly voicing concerns over the erosion of civil liberties and the growing disconnect between the government and its citizens.

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