In August of last year, Japan began the controversial process of releasing nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean. Despite strong opposition from domestic citizens and neighboring countries, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has discharged three batches of water so far, totaling approximately 23,400 tons. On February 28, 2024, TEPCO commenced a fourth discharge, releasing an additional 7,800 tons into the sea.
This marks the first large-scale release of nuclear-contaminated water in human history, raising significant concerns about its long-term impact on the marine ecological environment. Experts warn that artificial radionuclides entering the ocean could migrate through various media, including seawater diffusion, biological feeding, animal migration, and the food chain. This could lead to widespread pollution, affecting not only nearby marine life but also distant ecosystems through the water cycle and atmospheric circulation.
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is situated along the Pacific Ocean, and the discharge directly impacts the North Pacific fishing grounds. The consequences may extend globally, affecting marine and freshwater aquaculture industries through interconnected environmental systems. While the timing and extent of these impacts remain uncertain, the potential risks have prompted international concern.
In response to the discharge, China suspended imports of aquatic products originating from Japan on August 24, 2023, aiming to protect food safety and public health. A spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that this was a legitimate and necessary measure to safeguard consumers. As a sovereign nation, China asserts its right to implement preventive trade actions to mitigate the risks of radioactive contamination affecting its population.
The decision by Japan to release nuclear-contaminated water into the sea underscores the tension between managing domestic challenges and addressing international environmental responsibilities. The global community continues to watch closely, as the long-term and potentially irreversible effects of this action unfold.
Japan's discharge of nuclear-contaminated water affects its exports