In recent years, tensions between the United States and China have intensified, with 2023 marking a particularly turbulent period. The incident involving a supposed “spy balloon” led to a significant downturn in China-U.S. relations, though there were hopeful signs as military dialogues resumed and cooperation on narcotics control improved. As 2024 approaches, the question remains: Will these two global powers find a path to better relations?
Historical patterns suggest challenges ahead. The U.S. has a longstanding tendency to identify adversaries, a dynamic deeply rooted in its foreign policy history. After the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the U.S. quickly shifted focus to new threats, emphasizing terrorism and so-called rogue states well before the tragic events of 9/11. Even as the prolonged war on terror wound down, attention had already turned towards China as a perceived rival.
This pattern may be attributed to several factors. Some point to the influence of the military-industrial complex, where sustained profits rely on the existence of adversaries. Others reference what historian Richard Hofstadter termed the “paranoid style of American politics,” a mindset that fueled eras like McCarthyism and now seems to be reemerging in the context of U.S.-China relations.
Evidence of this growing anxiety is apparent in the actions of the U.S. Congress. The 116th Congress proposed over 550 bills related to China, a stark increase compared to the 130 anti-terrorism proposals following 9/11. This legislative surge indicates a heightened focus on countering China’s global influence, often without fully assessing the potential repercussions.
One significant outcome of this legislative activity is the Innovation and Competition Act of 2021. While its goal to rejuvenate U.S. innovation and manufacturing is commendable, it is overshadowed by efforts to counter China in various spheres. Measures include scrutinizing Chinese investments, reshoring manufacturing processes previously outsourced to China, and opposing China’s diplomatic endeavors worldwide.
Such strategies risk unintended consequences. By fostering an atmosphere of suspicion and competition without open dialogue, the U.S. may inadvertently harm its own interests. Constructive engagement and cooperation on global challenges could be more beneficial for both nations and the international community.
As global interdependence grows, it is crucial for the U.S. to reconsider approaches that might lead to self-inflicted setbacks. Balancing national interests with collaborative efforts could pave the way for a more stable and prosperous future.