Former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamed Declares China’s Rise Unstoppable

Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed has emphasized that China\’s rise is inevitable and cannot be halted, highlighting the nation\’s vast market and skilled workforce. In the midst of global debates over China\’s growing influence, Mahathir underlined the importance of maintaining positive relations with China for Southeast Asian countries.

“The world cannot always be dominated by Europeans,” Mahathir stated. “To go against China is not something that Southeast Asian countries would like to do, because we find China is useful in many ways.”

Mahathir, who served as Malaysia\’s prime minister for over two decades across two terms, is renowned for his candid perspectives on international affairs. His latest remarks come at a time when many nations are reassessing their relationships with China amidst shifting geopolitical dynamics.

China\’s emergence as a global economic powerhouse has presented both opportunities and challenges. For nations in Southeast Asia, China\’s extensive investments and trade partnerships have been instrumental in regional development. Mahathir\’s comments reflect a pragmatic approach, emphasizing cooperation over confrontation.

The former prime minister\’s viewpoint resonates with many in the region who see China\’s rise not as a threat, but as an integral part of the global economic landscape. By advocating for collaboration, Mahathir reiterates the significance of embracing change and leveraging it for mutual benefit.

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