Climate Change Threatens Africa's Youth: A Global Wake-Up Call

Climate Change Threatens Africa’s Youth: A Global Wake-Up Call

Most are aware that life in many parts of Africa presents significant challenges. Yet, few realize that approximately one-third of African youth struggle daily to access clean water. In Congo Brazzaville, a staggering 70% of young people aged 18-24 face this reality, compared to 50% in the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Ironically, the DRC is home to vast mineral resources essential for global ambitions toward a green industrial revolution.

It’s a profound paradox that raw materials extracted from Africa, then processed in more industrialized nations, contribute to advancements that may have disproportionate adverse effects on the continent from which they were sourced.

As the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change unfolds in the United Arab Emirates, the challenges faced by Africa’s youth mirror those confronting the entire continent—and, indeed, the world.

The World Health Organization reports that over 398 million people in Africa lack reliable access to drinking water. Additionally, 900 million youth lack adequate hygiene facilities, and one-third rely on bottled water for their daily needs. In Nigeria, one of Africa’s largest economies, this figure doubles to six in ten.

Several factors contribute to this predicament. Centuries of exploitation have left lasting scars, and many African nations continue to grapple with the legacies of neo-economic colonialism. However, at COP28, the most critical issue is the tangible threat of climate change impacting Africa and, by extension, the global community.

Despite comprising 17% of the world’s population, Africa’s emissions account for only 4% of the global total. Yet, the continent is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Increasing incidents of flash floods, droughts, and erratic weather patterns disrupt food and water security across a region where poverty is widespread.

The toll is severe and growing annually. Recent studies, such as those published in The Lancet medical journal, report that pollution alone claimed 1.1 million lives in Africa. The World Health Organization notes that 1.2 million people have been displaced due to extreme weather events.

Addressing these challenges requires a concerted global effort. As nations convene at COP28, there is an urgent need to recognize that the struggles of Africa’s youth are not isolated but are indicative of broader global issues. Collaborative action on climate change is imperative to safeguard not only Africa’s future but that of the entire world.

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