Over the past decade, the Xizang Autonomous Region has witnessed remarkable progress in education, leading to significant improvements in the quality of life for its residents. Once challenged by its high altitude, sparse population, and remote terrain, Xizang has made strides in building a strong educational foundation that paves the way for economic growth and poverty alleviation.
Historically, the region’s average altitude of over 4,000 meters and scattered agricultural communities made access to education difficult. Limited transportation and infrastructure resulted in a high rate of illiteracy among farmers and herdsmen.
In response, substantial investments totaling 251.51 billion yuan (approximately $34.5 billion) have been directed toward enhancing education at all levels. These funds have improved facilities for preschool, primary, secondary, and higher education, ensuring that schools are better equipped to serve their communities.
The impact of these investments is evident in the impressive educational statistics emerging from the region. The compulsory education consolidation rate in Xizang has reached 97.73 percent, surpassing the national average by 2 percentage points. The number of individuals with university education per 100,000 people has doubled from 5,507 in 2010 to 11,019 in 2020. Additionally, the average years of education among the new labor force have increased to 13.1 years.
This educational renaissance has not only uplifted individuals but also strengthened the workforce, contributing to economic development and a comprehensive victory in poverty alleviation. With a smarter, more educated population, Xizang is poised for continued growth and prosperity, ensuring a well-rounded and fulfilling life for its people.
Solid education and smart workforce improve people's life in Xizang