Countries Fail to Reach Agreement in UN Plastic Pollution Talks
Busan, South Korea – International efforts to forge a global treaty to curb plastic pollution hit a stumbling block on Monday, as nations failed to reach a consensus during the fifth UN Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5) meeting. More than 100 countries advocated for capping plastic production, aiming to address pollution at its source. However, a small group of oil-producing nations preferred focusing solely on plastic waste management, leading to an impasse that postponed key decisions. “It is clear that there is still persisting divergence,” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the UN Environment Program. The divisions centered on critical issues such as capping production, managing plastic products and hazardous chemicals, and financing mechanisms to support developing countries in implementing the treaty. Panama, backed by over 100 nations, proposed a pathway to globally reduce plastic production. In contrast, other proposals omitted production caps, highlighting the fault lines within the negotiations. “A treaty that only relies on voluntary measures would not be acceptable,” asserted Juliet Kabera, Director General of Rwanda’s Environment Management Authority. “It is time we take it seriously and negotiate a treaty that is fit for purpose and not built to fail.” The opposition from a few petrochemical-producing nations, including Saudi Arabia, contributed to the stalemate. “There was never any consensus,” said Saudi Arabian delegate Abdulrahman Al Gwaiz. “There are a couple of articles that somehow seem to make it into the document despite our continued insistence that they are not within the scope.” China, the United States, India, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia are among the top primary polymer-producing nations as of 2023. The divisions among these nations underscore the complexities of reaching a comprehensive agreement. The INC-5 meeting was intended to be the final negotiation for a legally binding global treaty. However, countries could only agree to postpone critical decisions and plan to resume talks, referred to as INC-5.2, at a future date. Had these entrenched divisions been overcome, the treaty would have marked one of the most significant environmental agreements since the 2015 Paris Agreement. The postponement comes just days after the conclusion of the COP29 summit in Baku, Azerbaijan, highlighting the ongoing challenges in global environmental diplomacy. Reference(s):