Amidst the serene landscapes of the Ailao Mountains in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, an elusive and majestic creature graces the wilderness—the endangered green peafowl, fondly known as the “dragon bird.” This magnificent bird, native to China, is a living embodiment of ancient myths and natural splendor.
With its breast and neck adorned in scaly golden feathers, the green peafowl exudes an aura of royalty. These shimmering feathers not only contribute to its stunning appearance but also inspire its name. Many believe that this resplendent bird is the ancient prototype of the mythical phoenix, a timeless symbol of civilization and virtue in Chinese culture.
The green peafowl’s presence in the Ailao Mountains adds a touch of enchantment to the autumn wilderness. As one of China’s most endangered species, efforts are underway to protect and conserve this remarkable bird and its natural habitat. The green peafowl’s story is a testament to the rich biodiversity of Yunnan Province and the importance of preserving our planet’s precious wildlife.