In the early hours of Sunday, Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo bid a heartfelt farewell to its cherished giant pandas, Ri Ri and Shin Shin. After spending 13 years captivating visitors in Japan, the beloved pair embarked on their journey back to their home country, China, due to age-related health concerns.
Despite the pre-dawn hour, a crowd of panda enthusiasts gathered outside the zoo gates to say goodbye. Tears flowed freely as fans waved and expressed their deep affection for the pandas, whose playful antics had become a symbol of friendship and cultural exchange between Japan and China.
“They have been a source of joy for so many years,” said one emotional visitor. “It’s hard to see them go, but we wish them well.”
Ri Ri and Shin Shin’s departure marks the end of an era at Ueno Zoo, where they had been central attractions since their arrival 13 years ago. Their return symbolizes continued cooperation in wildlife conservation between the two nations.
The pandas will be welcomed in China with care tailored to their health needs, ensuring they continue to thrive. Their legacy in Tokyo will be remembered fondly by all who had the pleasure of witnessing their gentle charm.