On the sun-soaked sands of New York City’s beaches, an unexpected aerial tussle is unfolding between cutting-edge technology and nature’s winged guardians. Drones deployed to patrol for sharks and assist struggling swimmers are facing fierce opposition from local shorebirds protective of their nesting grounds.
Since the drones took to the skies in May, flocks of birds have repeatedly swarmed these devices, forcing city agencies to rethink their flight strategies. While these airborne skirmishes have lessened, they continue to raise concerns among wildlife experts about the potential impact on threatened bird species nesting along the coastline.
“No birds have been harmed,” officials assure, though they acknowledge several close calls. The drones, equipped with inflatable life rafts to aid distressed swimmers, have yet to perform any rescues. However, they spotted their first shark on Thursday, leading to the temporary closure of most of the beach.
Rockaway Beach, a beloved summer retreat for New Yorkers, is home to a variety of bird species, including American oystercatchers, multiple tern species, and the piping plover—a small, sand-colored bird recognized as the city’s only federally designated endangered species. Each summer, local authorities vigilantly monitor these plovers, restricting access to certain beach areas to protect their nesting sites from both beachgoers and drones.
The city’s Emergency Management Department highlighted this avian conflict to other drone operators in June. “We pointed out that there’s a nest here and two angry parents who don’t want you anywhere near their eggs or their babies,” explained Natalie Grybauskas, the department’s assistant commissioner.
In response, drone operators from the police and fire departments have adjusted their launch sites to minimize disturbances to the birds. Agencies have been conducting briefings on the issue—a notable shift from their typical focus on emergencies like fires and building collapses. “It’s rare that you have to learn about the life cycles of baby birds,” Grybauskas remarked.
This unexpected clash between drones and shorebirds underscores the delicate balance between technological advancement and wildlife conservation. As cities increasingly integrate technology into public safety efforts, considerations for local ecosystems remain paramount to ensure harmonious coexistence.
Angry birds fight drones patrolling for sharks on NYC beaches