In the heart of Lhasa City, southwest China’s Xizang Autonomous Region, Xizang University stands as a beacon of cultural heritage and modern education. Recently, CGTN’s Merna embarked on a vibrant tour of the university, guided by law student Tieley Yangkey, offering a glimpse into the unique academic environment and rich traditions of this esteemed institution.
The university boasts a diverse array of educational offerings, including law, economics, and Tibetan studies. Students like Tieley are immersed in a curriculum that emphasizes the integration of local customs with national laws, fostering a deep respect for Xizang’s cultural heritage while preparing them for future careers.
Merna and Tieley explored the state-of-the-art facilities, highlighting the university’s commitment to providing modern resources for its students. The iconic library, a hub of knowledge and learning, served as a backdrop for their discussions about education and culture.
Throughout the tour, a lovely bond formed between Merna and Tieley. Their shared enthusiasm illuminated the vibrant campus life at Xizang University, showcasing not just the academic opportunities but also the sense of community and cultural pride that permeates the institution.
This journey through Xizang University celebrates the unique educational landscape of the region, where tradition meets innovation, and students are empowered to contribute to both their local communities and the broader society.