In a poignant tale of heroism, a man in Huangshan City, east China's Anhui Province, lost his life after saving his mother from rising floodwaters. On Thursday, as torrential rains battered the region, the man pushed his mother onto a rooftop to ensure her safety but was subsequently swept away by the current, according to local reports.
The tragic incident underscores the severe impact of the recent floods that have devastated parts of Anhui and south China's Guangdong Province. Heavy rainfall has led to widespread flooding, resulting in the deaths of dozens of people and displacing countless others. Emergency services have been working tirelessly to rescue stranded residents and provide relief to affected communities.
China's meteorological authorities have issued warnings of continued heavy rains in the coming days, urging residents in vulnerable areas to remain vigilant and adhere to safety advisories. The government is coordinating efforts to manage the disaster response and mitigate further losses.
The selfless act of the Anhui man has resonated across the nation, highlighting the profound bonds of family and the extraordinary sacrifices made in times of crisis. As communities come together to rebuild, stories like his serve as a reminder of the resilience and compassion that emerge even in the darkest moments.
Man washed away by flood after saving his mother in east China's Anhui