In an inspiring turn of events, a short-finned pilot whale named “Haitang,” rescued earlier this year in South China’s Hainan Province, has been released back into the ocean off the coast of Sanya City.
Haitang was found stranded on a beach in Haitang District, Sanya, on January 3, discovered by tourists. Suffering from multiple visible injuries and poor vital signs, the male whale was unable to swim independently.
“Rescuing and releasing stranded short-finned pilot whales has been a rare success,” said Xiong Chunlin, veterinarian at the Sanya Haichang Animal Conservation Center. “The larger the whale, the greater the gravity it bears after stranding, leading to more serious injuries. Haitang’s recovery is truly remarkable.”
Over 140 days, technicians and volunteers provided dedicated care, nursing Haitang back to health. His body length increased from 3.6 meters to 3.96 meters, and by the time of release, he weighed 500 kilograms, demonstrating the ability to hunt independently and recognize his own species.
On Sunday, Haitang was released 70 nautical miles off the coast of Sanya, in waters 500 meters deep. “The release area avoids shipping lanes and has records of short-finned pilot whale activity, making it easier for Haitang to find others of his kind,” said Pu Bingmei, secretary-general of the Blue Ribbon Ocean Conservation Association.
Haitang’s successful rescue and release highlight the significant efforts of conservationists in China and underscore the importance of marine life preservation in the region.