Brazil’s Livestock Losses from Floods May Impact Asian Meat Markets

Severe floods in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state have resulted in extensive losses of livestock, potentially disrupting the global meat supply chain and impacting Asian markets.

According to Brazilian farm and meat lobbies, an estimated 12,600 hogs and over 279,000 poultry have perished due to the floods that submerged entire towns. The losses are expected to affect farmers, processors, and may lead to disruptions in meat production from one of the world’s largest food exporters.

Valdecir Folador, head of the local hog producers lobby ACSURS, reported that around 30 farms were affected, including suppliers to major Brazilian meatpackers BRF and JBS. Additionally, four meatpacking plants have been halted, and feed factories have been flooded, according to ASGAV, a group representing local poultry processors and farmers.

Folador expressed concerns about indirect losses due to blocked roads and disrupted access to food and water supplies, which may further affect livestock health and reduce animal weights.

Rio Grande do Sul accounts for a significant portion of Brazil’s pork and chicken exports, which are critical to meeting the meat consumption demands in Asia. The port of Rio Grande, affected by floods and landslides, plays a pivotal role in shipping Brazilian meat to international markets, including Asia.

Analysts suggest that the reduction in Brazilian meat exports could lead to increased prices and supply shortages in Asian countries that rely on Brazilian pork and poultry. Business professionals and investors in Asian markets are closely monitoring the situation for potential impacts on trade and economic trends.

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