High up in the treetops of the Changbai Mountains in northeast China, a remarkable scene unfolds each spring. Chinese merganser ducklings, mere hours after hatching, prepare for their first daring adventure—a free-fall leap from their nests to the forest floor below.
Following the lead of their vigilant mother, the fluffy ducklings muster the courage to jump from their arboreal homes. Footage captures the heartwarming moment as they tumble through the air, landing softly on the grass and quickly finding their feet.
This dramatic exit is essential for their survival. Approximately 24 hours after hatching, mother ducks initiate the leap to move their brood away from the vulnerable nest site. The longer they stay, the higher the risk that the ducklings’ chirps might attract predators.
Once on the ground, the mother leads her ducklings to nearby rivers and streams. Here, in the safety of the water, they begin to forage and learn the skills they’ll need to thrive in the wild.
The Chinese merganser, recognized by its striking crest and slender bill, is a migratory species under top-class state protection in China. Listed as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s red list, these birds face threats from habitat loss and environmental changes.
Breeding in the northern forests and wintering in southern regions, Chinese mergansers can be found across China, Russia, and the Korean Peninsula. Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect their habitats and ensure that future generations witness this extraordinary natural spectacle.
One, two, three … Chinese merganser ducklings free-fall from tree