Study Reveals Slower-Moving Heat Waves Due to Climate Change Since 1979

Climate change is intensifying heat waves globally, causing them to move more slowly and affect larger areas, according to a recent study published in Science Advances. The research indicates that since 1979, heat waves are moving 20% more slowly, resulting in prolonged exposure to high temperatures for affected populations.

The study also found that heat waves are occurring 67% more often than they did four decades ago. Not only are these extreme weather events more frequent, but the peak temperatures during heat waves have risen, and the areas affected by intense heat domes have expanded significantly.

The slowing movement of heat waves means that regions experience extended periods of extreme heat, which can have severe implications for public health, agriculture, and infrastructure. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures increases the risk of heat-related illnesses and strains energy resources due to higher demand for cooling.

These findings highlight the urgent need for global efforts to mitigate climate change and adapt to its escalating impacts. Researchers emphasize that understanding the changing dynamics of heat waves is crucial for developing effective strategies to protect vulnerable communities and economies worldwide.

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