The European Union’s ambitious Nature Restoration Law has hit a significant roadblock after Hungary unexpectedly withdrew its support, causing a scheduled vote to be canceled on Monday. The law, aimed at restoring degraded ecosystems across the EU, requires member states to implement measures restoring nature on 20% of their land and sea by 2030.
The sudden reversal by Hungary eliminated the slim majority needed to pass the legislation, leaving environment ministers in Brussels scrambling to determine the next steps. Hungary’s State Secretary for Environment, Aniko Raisz, cited concerns over costs and the impact on the agricultural sector. “The agricultural sector is very important, not only in Hungary but everywhere in Europe,” Raisz told reporters.
This setback represents the latest challenge to the EU’s green agenda, as policymakers face growing opposition from farmers and some governments who argue that strict environmental regulations impose burdensome rules and could harm economic interests. The EU has already weakened several environmental policies in response to protests.
Belgian Environment Minister Alain Maron, who chaired Monday’s discussions, expressed hope that negotiations would continue but acknowledged the uncertainty. “We don’t know exactly what are some reasons to be against this law for certain countries… it’s possible that they change their mind,” he said during a press conference.
EU Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius warned that abandoning the law would send a “disastrous signal” about the EU’s commitment to environmental protection, especially after advocating for stronger global targets at recent UN negotiations. “We are fooling ourselves if we pretend that we can win our fight against climate change without nature,” Sinkevicius said.
Opposition to the law comes from Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, and Sweden, while Austria, Belgium, Finland, and Poland have indicated they will abstain. Any shift in position by these countries could revive the legislation, as the remaining EU member states support the policy.
Spanish Climate Minister Teresa Ribera emphasized the importance of continuing efforts to combat environmental degradation. She described it as a “huge irresponsibility” to reduce actions addressing nature loss and climate change.
The Nature Restoration Law aims to reverse the decline of 81% of Europe’s habitats classified as in poor condition. However, concerns persist that the policy may impose challenging requirements on farmers and potentially conflict with other industries.
The EU’s struggle to advance its environmental agenda highlights the delicate balance between ecological responsibility and economic interests—a challenge shared by countries worldwide, including those in Asia where rapid development often strains natural resources.
EU countries split over nature law in latest blow to green agenda