They are called “necklace seals”—an unsettling term for seals bearing permanent scars around their necks caused by entanglement in plastic debris. On International Seal Day, the plight of these marine mammals serves as a stark reminder of the growing threat of ocean pollution.
“You will always be able to tell in the wild if a seal was entangled because they will have a ring around them, a permanent ring,” says Evangelos Achilleos, manager of East Winch Wildlife Centre at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and a frontline seal rescuer. “Behind the seemingly interesting name lies countless gory stories of seals suffering due to human negligence.”
According to a 2019 study by researchers at the Mammal Research Institute and the Department of Zoology and Entomology at the University of Pretoria, 67 percent of aquatic mammals such as seals, sea lions, and walruses are at risk of entanglement. Despite growing awareness, marine debris remains one of the biggest threats to seal populations worldwide.
Each year, approximately 8 million tonnes of plastic are dumped into the oceans. The journal Science reports that nearly 2 percent of all fishing gear—including kilometers of nets, longlines, and millions of pots and traps—is lost to the sea annually. These abandoned materials become deadly traps for marine life.
“Entangled seals often suffer severe injuries. The plastic cuts into their flesh as they grow, leading to infections and even death,” explains Achilleos. “Rescuing them is challenging because they are often elusive, and by the time we reach them, it can be too late.”
The crisis of the “necklace seals” highlights the urgent need for global action to reduce plastic waste and implement sustainable fishing practices. Conservationists are calling for stricter regulations on waste disposal and increased efforts to clean up existing marine debris.
“This is not just about seals; it’s about the health of our oceans and ultimately, our planet,” Achilleos emphasizes. “Everyone can play a part by reducing plastic use and supporting marine conservation initiatives.”
As we mark International Seal Day, the story of the “necklace seals” is a compelling call to action. Protecting these animals requires collective effort, increased awareness, and immediate measures to tackle marine pollution.
International Seal Day: How plastic 'necklaces' are killing seals