Every snowflake tells a story, each one a unique masterpiece crafted by nature. According to Zhang Chao, an enthusiast and researcher at the National Astronomical Observatories (NAOC), snowflakes come in 121 different types. “Every detail or pattern of a snowflake reflects what it goes through in the cloud. When falling to the ground, the snowflake must be unique. It’s just like humans—no two people can have identical experiences,” Zhang explains.
While Zhang spends his professional life observing the stars through telescopes, his passion extends to the microscopic wonders around us. Using a microscope, he delves into the intricate world of snowflakes and sand, uncovering an amazing new perspective on the natural world.
Photographing snowflakes is a meticulous process. Zhang prepares by studying weather forecasts to anticipate snowfall. He then acclimatizes his custom-built telescope and slides outdoors for about 20 minutes to prevent the delicate snowflakes from melting upon contact. Capturing the fleeting beauty of snowflakes requires patience and precision.
Contrary to popular belief, snowflakes are not just variations of the classic six-sided pattern. Since 2005, Zhang has photographed over 80 different types of snowflakes, each one surprising him with its enchanting beauty. “They always surprise me,” he says, reflecting on his ongoing quest to document all 121 types.
Snowflakes come in 121 types, and some you might see only once