In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists have announced the first successful embryo transfer in a white rhinoceros using in-vitro fertilization (IVF), offering a beacon of hope for the critically endangered northern white rhino subspecies.
The announcement was made on Wednesday in Berlin by the international BioRescue team, who have been racing against time to prevent the extinction of the northern white rhino. This monumental success marks a significant step towards the revival of a subspecies that has been perilously close to disappearing forever.
A Race Against Extinction
The northern white rhino population has been decimated over the years due to rampant poaching and habitat loss. With the death of the last male northern white rhino in 2018, only two females remain, neither of whom can carry a pregnancy. This dire situation prompted scientists to explore alternative reproductive technologies to save the subspecies.
The IVF Breakthrough
The BioRescue team successfully harvested eggs from the remaining female northern white rhinos and fertilized them using stored sperm from deceased males. In a proof of concept, a southern white rhino surrogate at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya received an embryo transfer on September 24, 2023. The team confirmed a 70-day pregnancy with a well-developed 6.4 cm (2.5 inch) male embryo.
“We achieved together something which was not believed to be possible,” said Thomas Hildebrandt, head of the reproduction management department at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, during a press conference at Berlin’s Tierpark zoo. “This is a milestone that brings us closer to producing northern white rhino calves in the next two to two and a half years.”
Implications for Global Conservation Efforts
This success not only offers a lifeline for the northern white rhino but also paves the way for conservation strategies applicable to other endangered species worldwide, including those in Asia. Countries in Asia, home to unique wildlife facing similar threats, can draw inspiration from this innovative approach to biodiversity preservation.
The Road Ahead
The BioRescue consortium plans to proceed with transferring northern white rhino embryos into surrogate mothers, hoping to welcome new calves and gradually rebuild the population. While challenges remain, this achievement fuels optimism among conservationists and underscores the critical role of science in safeguarding our planet’s biodiversity.
As the world watches this remarkable journey unfold, the successful IVF pregnancy symbolizes a beacon of hope, reminding us that dedicated efforts and international collaboration can make a profound difference in the fight against extinction.
World's 1st white rhino IVF pregnancy may offer way to save subspecies