In the heart of South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region lies Nanning, a vibrant city known as the “city of old friends.” As the closest provincial capital to ASEAN countries, Nanning has long been a gateway for China-ASEAN cooperation, fostering deep-rooted friendships and cultural connections.
On January 18, Nanning hosted the World Mayors Dialogue, bringing together mayors and city managers from cities including Vientiane, Yangon, Surat Thani, Kulim, Mong Cai, Siem Reap, and Mataram. The dialogue, moderated by CGTN’s Wang Guan, provided a platform for leaders to discuss new pathways for urban openness and cooperation.
The participants delved into strategies to enhance urban development, economic collaboration, and cultural exchange, aiming to build a “China-ASEAN amicable home.” Topics ranged from sustainable development and infrastructure to tourism and heritage preservation.
Nanning’s famous “laoyou” rice noodles, symbolizing the city’s warm hospitality, set the tone for the event. The dish, whose name means “old friend” in Chinese, reflects the city’s commitment to fostering lasting relationships.
As urban centers face common challenges, the dialogue emphasized the importance of collaboration and shared vision. By strengthening ties and exploring innovative solutions, these cities aim to contribute to the prosperity and stability of the broader Asian region.
The World Mayors Dialogue in Nanning underscores the city’s pivotal role in regional cooperation and its dedication to building bridges between communities. The event marks a significant step toward a more integrated and harmonious future for China and ASEAN countries.
Watch: World Mayors Dialogue · Nanning – A city of 'old friends'