In the heart of Anji County in eastern China’s Zhejiang Province lies Yucun Village, once a quiet rural area now bustling with newfound energy. The village has become a beacon for young talents from around the world, attracting them to become “global partners” in a collaborative effort to develop innovative business models and rejuvenate the local community.
Since the launch of the global partners program in 2022, Yucun Village has introduced 42 groundbreaking projects spanning research and education, cultural creativity, the digital economy, and the agriculture and forestry industries. This initiative has not only diversified the village’s economic landscape but also fostered a vibrant environment where creativity and tradition coexist.
“We saw an opportunity to redefine rural development by inviting young minds to contribute their skills and ideas,” said Li Wei, a village official overseeing the program. “Their enthusiasm and fresh perspectives have been instrumental in transforming Yucun into a hub of innovation.”
To date, over 1,100 young people from home and abroad have been drawn to Yucun and its surrounding villages. Among them is Chen Xiao, a recent graduate who left the city to join a sustainable agriculture project. “Being here allows me to apply my knowledge in a meaningful way,” Chen shared. “We’re not just developing businesses; we’re building a community.”
The influx of young talent has also spurred cultural exchange and community development. International participants have introduced new art forms and educational programs, enriching the village’s cultural fabric. Local residents have embraced these changes, finding new opportunities in the evolving economy.
The success of Yucun’s global partners program highlights a growing trend of rural revitalization in China, where villages are leveraging unique local resources and talent to drive sustainable development. As Yucun Village continues to thrive, it serves as a model for other rural areas seeking to balance innovation with heritage.