Amidst the vast expanse of the Gobi Desert near Dunhuang in Gansu Province, northwest China, lies the enchanting Crescent Lake, also known as Yueya Spring. This crescent-shaped oasis is a rare natural wonder where water and sand coexist in harmonious contrast.
Located just six kilometers south of Dunhuang City, Crescent Lake is embraced by the towering dunes of Echoing Sand Mountain. The golden sands and the clear blue waters create a striking visual spectacle that has captivated travelers for centuries. The lake’s resilience against the encroaching desert sands adds to its mystique, making it a symbol of nature’s delicate balance.
The area is steeped in history and cultural significance, serving as a vital stop along the ancient Silk Road. Today, visitors can explore the serene landscape, ride camels across the dunes, and witness breathtaking sunrises and sunsets that paint the sky with hues of gold and crimson.
This September 6–7, Dunhuang City will host the 6th Silk Road International Cultural Expo, celebrating the rich heritage and cultural exchanges of the Silk Road era. The expo offers a unique opportunity to delve into the region’s history and experience its vibrant traditions firsthand.
Crescent Lake and its surroundings stand as a testament to the enduring allure of China’s northwest frontier, inviting explorers and enthusiasts to discover the magical interplay of desert and oasis.
Live: Crescent-shaped lake surrounded by desert in NW China – Ep. 2