Timothy Burns, a professor at Baylor University in the United States, recently embarked on a journey to central China’s Henan Province. Known as “the south of the river”, Henan holds a special place in Chinese history as the cradle of Chinese civilization. The province’s rich historical heritage deeply impressed Burns during his visit.
For over 3,000 years, Henan served as the political, economic, and cultural center of China. Hosting more than 20 dynasties, it is also the birthplace of the four great inventions of ancient China—papermaking, printing, gunpowder, and the compass. These cultural milestones have had a profound impact on the history of Chinese civilization.
While exploring the historic sites of Henan, Burns also witnessed firsthand China’s rapid modernization. He was particularly amazed by the quiet efficiency of electric bikes, a common mode of transportation in Chinese cities. Compared to motorcycles in the U.S., the electric bikes in China operate silently, and riders navigate through designated lanes, reflecting an organized approach to urban transportation.
“The Chinese are advancing rapidly in things like AI, and that will be needed for the new energy sources, so I congratulate China,” Burns remarked. His observations highlight the significant strides China is making in the fields of new energy technologies and artificial intelligence.
Burns’s visit to Henan not only offered him a glimpse into China’s ancient past but also its ambitious drive toward a sustainable future. His experiences underscore the dynamic blend of tradition and innovation that characterizes modern China.
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