At Peking University, amidst the vibrant energy of Beijing, Mexican student Moraima Ordoñez is pursuing a master’s degree in Chinese law. Her fascination with Chinese society and culture began in her teenage years, leading her on a journey halfway across the world to immerse herself in the rich tapestry of China.
During her college years in Mexico, Moraima dedicated herself to researching laws related to the protection of women’s rights in both Mexico and China. Finding a scarcity of resources in Spanish, she made the bold decision to come to China to deepen her understanding firsthand.
Engaging in numerous China-Mexico friendship projects, Moraima has discovered striking cultural similarities between the two nations. “I see reflections of my own culture here,” she shares. “Chinese modernization holds valuable lessons for developing countries like Mexico.”
With the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Peru, Moraima is hopeful. She wishes that the summit will spotlight women’s rights and interests, fostering policies that empower women across the Asia-Pacific region.
Moraima’s journey exemplifies the growing ties between China and Latin American countries. Her experience underscores the importance of cross-cultural exchange and the shared aspirations for progress and equality.