Quora, the popular online question-and-answer platform, is abuzz with discussions about traveling, working, and living in China. People from around the world share their experiences and reasons why they’ve fallen in love with the country.
In an effort to delve deeper into American perspectives on the Chinese mainland, CGTN stringers traveled across the United States. In Chicago, they interviewed local residents to hear their thoughts firsthand.
One Chicago resident highlighted the hardworking nature of the Chinese people, remarking on their dedication and strong work ethic. “The Chinese people are very hardworking,” he said, noting the impressive progress the country has made.
Another resident praised China’s excellent education system. “China has cultivated a lot of excellent students,” she observed, emphasizing the high standards and achievements of Chinese education.
A Chicagoan who has worked with Chinese artists and programmers shared his admiration. “I’ve been very impressed by the Chinese people,” he stated, reflecting on his positive experiences collaborating with professionals from the Chinese mainland.
The interviews shed light on the appreciation and respect some Americans have for the Chinese people’s diligence and educational accomplishments, fostering a better understanding between the two cultures.