The 19th Changchun Film Festival, themed “New Era, New Cradle, New Power,” is captivating audiences in Changchun City from August 28 to September 1. Among the festival’s enthusiastic attendees is Eakvixay Tran, a young student from Laos studying in China, who embarked on a fascinating journey into the heart of Chinese cinema.
Visiting the historic Changchun Film Studio, known as the birthplace of Chinese cinema, Eakvixay delved into the rich legacy of China’s film industry. As he wandered through the museum’s exhibits, he interacted with authentic movie props and explored iconic film titles that shaped Chinese cinematic history. The experience was more than just a tour; it was an immersive dive into the cultural evolution of a nation through the lens of film.
Reflecting on his visit, Eakvixay shared, “In that museum, they show a lot of historical moments of filmmaking in China, and it made me learn more and want to know more about Chinese culture as a whole.” His journey highlights how Gen Z is connecting with cultures beyond their own borders, using mediums like cinema to bridge gaps and foster understanding.
The Changchun Film Festival serves as a gateway not only for filmmakers but also for global audiences eager to explore China’s dynamic cultural landscape. For students like Eakvixay, it offers an invaluable opportunity to gain insights into the artistic expressions that have influenced generations.
As the festival continues, it stands as a testament to the power of film in bringing people together and igniting curiosity in the hearts of young explorers eager to see the world through a new lens.