In the conflict-stricken city of Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 74-year-old grandmother Shestakova Vera Mykytivna holds on to hope for a peaceful 2024. Amid the challenges and uncertainties of the past year, she opens her humble home to neighbors and visitors, sharing homemade pancakes and cookies as part of her New Year’s celebrations.
Living modestly, Shestakova embodies the resilience and warmth of the Ukrainian people. Her gesture of kindness reflects a longing for normalcy and community spirit despite the ongoing conflicts affecting the region. Inviting a CGTN stringer into her home, she expressed heartfelt wishes for peace in the coming year and extended her best wishes to all.
“All I want for the new year is peace,” Shestakova said, her eyes reflecting both sorrow and steadfast hope. “I wish everyone health, happiness, and the end of this turmoil so we can live peacefully again.”
Her story resonates with many who have endured a tumultuous 2023 marked by changes, challenges, and crises. As the world watches and hopes for resolution, the simple yet profound desires of individuals like Shestakova highlight the universal yearning for peace and stability.
As the new year unfolds, her message serves as a poignant reminder of the human cost of conflict and the enduring hope for better days ahead.
'We Talk' New Year special: Ukrainian granny wishes peace for 2024