Escaping a Culture of Fear: Americans Choose Life Abroad video poster

Escaping a Culture of Fear: Americans Choose Life Abroad

As concerns over safety and societal pressures grow, a noticeable number of U.S. citizens are choosing to relocate abroad in search of a more peaceful life. According to a 2022 Gallup poll, up to 15 percent of Americans express a desire to leave the country permanently, with many more considering expatriation when the time is right.

One such individual is Tara Milo, who moved from Ohio to Lisbon, Portugal, five years ago. In an interview with CGTN, Tara shared her experiences of living in a culture where fear and violence were constant companions. \”I was always worried about the possibility of a school shooting where my ex-husband worked,\” she recounted. \”As a woman, I had to be hyper-aware of my surroundings just walking down the street.\”

Since relocating to Portugal, Tara has found a sense of safety and ease that was elusive in her home country. \”Here, I can finally let my guard down and enjoy life,\” she said. Portugal, like many countries around the world, offers a calmer environment that appeals to those seeking respite from the high levels of violence in the U.S.

This trend of Americans moving abroad reflects broader concerns about social issues within the United States, including gun violence and societal tensions. The increasing mobility of citizens worldwide highlights the interconnectedness of global societies and the importance of addressing underlying issues that drive people to seek new beginnings elsewhere.

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