In 2010, Syrian student Zein Ali embarked on a journey that would transform his family’s destiny. Leaving Damascus for China, he began his studies, unaware that this move would soon unite his entire family in the eastern city of Nanjing.
Over the subsequent years, Zein’s triplet siblings and parents joined him. His father, Walid Ali, a renowned Syrian artist, found new inspiration within China’s rich cultural landscape. His mother, Fairouz Nassr, a former journalist with Syrian state media, embraced their new life, noting the safety and warmth they felt in their adopted home.
Zein, alongside his brother and sister, is pursuing a PhD at the esteemed Nanjing University of the Arts. Their academic endeavors are complemented by active engagement in cultural exchange. Together with his father, Zein helped organize a “One Belt, One Road” art exhibition, bridging artistic communities between Syria and China.
Amid the challenges of the Wuhan pandemic, the Ali family stood in solidarity with their local community, donating funds and volunteering their time. Their actions reflected a deep appreciation for the country that had welcomed them.
“China has become more than a place of study; it’s our second home,” Zein shared in a recent interview. “We feel a sense of belonging and safety here that is unparalleled.”
His parents share this sentiment. Fairouz expressed, “Living in China has been a wonderful experience. The community has embraced us, and we are grateful for the opportunities and security we’ve found here.”
The Ali family’s journey highlights the profound impact of cultural exchange and the bonds that can form between nations. Their story is a testament to the possibilities that arise when communities open their hearts to one another.
Looking into China: Living in China is a wonderful experience