Retired Canadian Reflects on China's Transformative Urbanization video poster

Retired Canadian Reflects on China’s Transformative Urbanization

Retired Canadian Reflects on China’s Transformative Urbanization

For nearly two decades, retired Canadian Kirk Apesland has called Nanning, the capital city of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China, his home. Witnessing firsthand the remarkable changes sweeping across the Chinese mainland, Apesland believes that massive urbanization has been the driving force behind China’s rapid growth over the past 20 years.

“Urbanization has not only reshaped the skylines of cities but has fundamentally transformed the lives of countless people,” Apesland observes. The large-scale urbanization efforts have facilitated the construction of modern infrastructure, including expansive housing projects and extensive transportation networks. These developments have made cities more accessible and livable, attracting millions from rural areas.

One of the most significant impacts of this urban transformation, according to Apesland, is the improved access to health care and education for rural farmers. “Urbanization has opened doors for rural communities,” he notes. “Farmers now have better health services and educational opportunities, which were once out of reach.”

The shift has also broadened horizons for the younger generations. Children of farmers are no longer limited to traditional agricultural roles; they now have the opportunity to pursue diverse careers as doctors, lawyers, engineers, and more. “It’s inspiring to see how the aspirations of the youth have expanded,” says Apesland. “Urbanization has given them the chance to dream bigger and achieve more.”

Reflecting on the changes, Apesland emphasizes the importance of urbanization in China’s development narrative. “The progress I’ve seen is extraordinary,” he remarks. “China’s commitment to urban development has not only boosted the economy but also enriched the lives of its people.”

As China continues to evolve, Apesland remains hopeful about the future. “There’s a dynamic energy here,” he concludes. “I’m excited to see what the next 20 years will bring.”

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