Amid the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, daily life in Kharkiv, a city near the border, has been profoundly affected. Olga, a Ukrainian gym instructor, offers a glimpse into how she navigates her routine amidst uncertainty and tension.
Life Amidst Uncertainty
Every morning, Olga wakes up to the sound of distant sirens—a stark reminder of the precarious situation. Despite the challenges, she remains committed to maintaining a sense of normalcy. “I believe it’s important to keep our routines as much as possible,” she says.
A Tour of Resilience
Olga takes us through her apartment building, showing the shelter where residents take refuge during escalations. “We’ve adapted to have quick access to safety,” she notes, pointing out the essentials stocked in the shelter.
At the local grocery store, shelves reflect the strains on supply chains, but Olga remains optimistic. “We make do with what we have. The community here is strong,” she emphasizes.
Prepared for the Unexpected
An essential part of Olga’s daily life is her emergency bag, always packed and ready for a swift evacuation if necessary. It contains vital documents, basic supplies, and personal items. “It’s a precaution we all have to take now,” she explains.
Maintaining Hope and Routine
Olga continues to teach gym classes, both in person when possible and online. “Physical activity is crucial—not just for the body, but for the mind,” she says. Her students find solace and a sense of community in these classes.
Looking Ahead
Despite the challenges, Olga remains hopeful. “We are resilient people. Every day we adapt and continue to live our lives,” she affirms. Her story is a testament to the strength and perseverance of those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.