As Tonga grapples with the aftermath of a devastating undersea volcanic eruption and subsequent tsunami, the Tongan diaspora in Euless, Texas, is uniting to support their families and homeland. One week after the twin natural disasters, many Tongans abroad are still anxiously awaiting news from loved ones due to disrupted communication lines.
“It’s been incredibly difficult,” says Sione, a Tongan resident of Euless. “We haven’t been able to reach our families back home. The uncertainty is overwhelming.”
The eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano, one of the most powerful in decades, severed undersea communication cables, effectively cutting off the island nation from the rest of the world. While some communication is beginning to be restored, experts warn it could be weeks before full connectivity returns.
In response, the Tongan community in Texas has mobilized relief efforts, organizing fundraisers and collecting essential supplies to send back home. Churches and community centers have become hubs of activity, as volunteers sort donations and share updates.
“Our culture is rooted in community and mutual support,” explains Mele, a community organizer. “Even though we’re far away, we feel a deep responsibility to help our people in any way we can.”
The sense of solidarity extends beyond the Tongan community. Local residents and businesses in Euless are contributing to the relief efforts, showcasing the strength of multicultural bonds.
“This is a time when we all need to come together,” says Mayor Linda Martin of Euless. “The Tongan community is an integral part of our city, and we stand with them during this challenging time.”
While the path to recovery in Tonga may be long, the unwavering support from abroad offers a beacon of hope. As communications gradually improve, families remain hopeful for the safety of their loved ones.
“We pray every day,” says Sione. “Until we can hear their voices, we’ll keep supporting from here in any way possible.”