Rising Teen Pregnancies in Zimbabwe Hinder Return to Schools Post-Pandemic

Rising Teen Pregnancies in Zimbabwe Hinder Return to Schools Post-Pandemic

Zimbabwe is grappling with a surge in unplanned pregnancies among girls and teenagers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Strict lockdown measures led to school closures and restricted access to contraceptives and clinics, leaving young girls vulnerable to sexual abuse. The economic strain of the pandemic has exacerbated poverty levels, driving some teenage girls to view marriage as an escape from hardship.

As the government pushes for a return to schools, challenges persist. In 2020, Zimbabwe lifted a longstanding ban on pregnant students attending school. However, a combination of economic hardships, classroom bullying, and deep-seated cultural stigma has prevented most pregnant girls from resuming their education.

The situation underscores the need for supportive measures to reintegrate pregnant girls into the educational system. Addressing economic barriers, combating stigma, and providing a safe learning environment are crucial steps in ensuring that all girls have access to education.

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