For the past 18 years, Najibullah has labored as a metal craftsman in the bustling streets of Kabul. His skilled hands have shaped metal into tools, ornaments, and everyday necessities for his community. However, the recent change in Afghanistan’s political landscape has cast a shadow over his workshop.
“Since the Taliban took over, my work has been going downhill,” Najibullah shares, his eyes reflecting the uncertainty that many Afghans feel. Business has slowed, and customers are scarce as the city’s residents grapple with the new reality.
Despite the challenges, Najibullah holds onto a glimmer of hope. “Things may get better after the Taliban announce their government cabinet,” he says optimistically. The announcement, he believes, could bring stability and a sense of direction that is desperately needed.
Like many in Kabul, Najibullah yearns for a government that is inclusive and representative of the Afghan people. “I hope the current government will be inclusive and shared,” he expresses. The desire for a government that fosters unity and addresses the needs of all citizens is a common thread among Afghans from all walks of life.
The streets of Kabul echo with similar sentiments. Small business owners, artisans, and everyday workers are watching closely as political developments unfold. The hope is that with a formal government in place, economic activities will resume, and life can inch towards normalcy.
As Najibullah returns to his forge, the sparks fly once more. Each hammer strike resonates with the resilience of a people who have weathered decades of change and conflict. His story mirrors that of many Afghans – a blend of hardship and hope, uncertainty and perseverance.
Afghan Voices: Kabul craftsman sees hope after Taliban announce govt