After embarking on his first job in the bustling city of Chongqing, Italian entrepreneur Gianluca Luisi discovered more than just a new career—he found a passion that would shape his future. Enchanted by the city’s vibrant culture and the bold, spicy flavors of its cuisine, Luisi immersed himself in the local food scene where hotpot reigns supreme.
"I’m actually involved 100 percent in promoting Chinese food all around the world," Luisi shared. His love for Chongqing’s signature hot and spicy dishes ignited a mission to introduce these flavors to international palates.
Now working in the food industry, Luisi is thrilled to witness the global rise of Chinese cuisine. "It’s amazing to see that almost every country has at least one hotpot restaurant," he remarked. His efforts contribute to the growing appreciation for Chinese culinary traditions, bridging cultural gaps and bringing people together over shared meals.
Luisi’s journey from an Italian newcomer in Chongqing to a passionate promoter of Chinese food exemplifies how culinary experiences can transcend borders. Through his work, he continues to celebrate and share the rich gastronomic heritage of China, ensuring that the spicy delights of Chongqing are savored across the globe.