Suzana, a bright exchange student from Brazil, embarked on a journey to the Chinese mainland between late 2018 and 2020. Initially facing the challenges of adapting to a new culture and language, she soon found herself captivated by the vibrant life in China.
“China is a land of endless possibilities,” Suzana reflects. The historical sites she visited, from the majestic Great Wall to the Forbidden City, left her in awe. The rich tapestry of Chinese history unfolded before her eyes, deepening her appreciation for the nation’s heritage.
Exploring local cuisine became one of her greatest joys. “The food I tried was incredible,” she says. Each dish offered a new flavor, a new story, and a connection to the diverse regions of China.
Beyond the sights and tastes, it was the culture that truly fascinated Suzana. Immersing herself in traditions, festivals, and daily life, she formed strong bonds with the people she met. “I felt comfortable and attached to my new home,” she shares.
Her transformative experience not only broadened her horizons but also solidified her desire to return. Suzana is now determined to come back and stay in Beijing, the city that welcomed her and became a place of growth and discovery.