In the heart of Lyon, France, a trio of residents has breathed new life into an age-old tradition to foster community spirit amid the COVID-19 quarantine. Valeria, Alex, and Saad noticed that some of their neighbors, particularly those living alone, were struggling to obtain groceries and essentials during the confinement.
Determined to help, they embraced the role of modern-day ‘town criers’—historically known for making public announcements in the streets. Starting on the third day of quarantine, every evening at 7 p.m., the three gather beneath the apartment balconies, playing music and calling out to collect information about their neighbors’ needs.
The response has been overwhelmingly positive. Residents not only appreciate the assistance but also share heartwarming messages of support and encouragement. What began as a practical solution to deliver necessities has blossomed into a nightly ritual that unites the community, providing both aid and a sense of togetherness during uncertain times.
This revival of the ‘town crier’ tradition underscores the power of collective action and neighborly care. As the quarantine continues, Valeria, Alex, and Saad’s initiative serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us all of the importance of community solidarity in overcoming challenges.